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You can also contact your Care Manager with questions. Member Services: TTY:7 a. ET, Monday - Friday. We can get someone who can sign or speak your language to help you talk with us medicne your doctor over the phone or in best over the counter flu medicine. This is a free service to our members.

If you have any problems reading or understanding this information, please call our Member Services team or use our TTY for hearing impaired members at the number learn more here and on your CareSource ID card. This is a free service.

We can read the information aloud for you, in English or in your primary language. We also can help you best over the counter flu medicine you are visually or hearing impaired. Members can call the CareSource24 toll-free number located on their ID cards 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, days a year.

Robert E. O'Donnell, Jr. Bharvi P. Jack P. Arthur M. Ian M.

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