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Detailed illustrations and professional plant photographs enable you to identify herbs visually as well as by substance make-up. Content on over botanicals for over 35 different conditions make this a comprehensive resource for about timeshealthmag com, evidence-based information.

Appendices on common botanical names, quick dose reference about timeshealthmag com, adverse interactions, and botanical medicine resources offer practical information at a glance. Over 30 expert contributors with a combination of practical experience as clinicians and teachers provide a unique, clinically based perspective on botanical medicine. Each chapter follows a consistent format, particularly when it comes to presenting a health condition, and about timeshealthmag com pages in length.

The chapter coverage includes about timeshealthmag com definition of the condition, a brief discussion of the incidence of the condition, the etiology, the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis including relevant tests, suggested medical management, prevention and botanical treatment strategies including pertinent nutritional information typically prescribed by those using botanical medicines when applicable.

Review "This is read more excellent, and incredibly detailed book… The blend of modern research and ancient wisdom harmoniously work, demonstrating that herbal medicine is both the oldest medical system in the world and more recently becoming scientifically validated.

Previous page. Churchill Livingstone. Publication date. Print length. See all details.

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