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The prospect of a physician surplus coupled with declining personal income has become a real concern for many physicians, particularly specialists Pew Health Professions Commission, ; IOM, Nurses likewise are facing pressures from decreasing hospital utilization and a reordering of nursing practices in managed care, although these may be offset to some degree by more options in home, community, over the counter medicine for sore throat office settings.

Intense price competition is threatening the missions and even the existence of some academic health centers, public and community hospitals, community health centers, and other institutions whose costs are increased by education, research, or care for the uninsured and underinsured. In these contexts, the information and telecommunications technologies that constitute telemedicine have the potential to radically reshape health care in both positive and negative ways. In particular, over time, the widespread adoption of clinical applications of telemedicine could fundamentally alter the personal, face-to-face relationship between patient and practitioner that has been the model for medical care for generations.

Although economic considerations are stimulating many explorations of telemedicine for clinical, educational, and administrative purposes, health care organizations must also be concerned about how telemedicine could affect the actual and perceived quality of their services. Over the counter medicine for sore throat in other areas, quality assessment and improvement for telemedicine is closely linked to the continued development and implementation of sophisticated clinical, research, administrative, and other information systems.

Despite its multiplying uses and users, many forms of clinical telemedicine are still far from being routinely integrated into most facets of health care click to see more. Given the scarcity of comprehensive and reliable data and the pace of change, an overall picture of telemedicine's current status must be painted in rather broad strokes.

ISSN The New York Times Press release. Archived from the original on 27 April Retrieved 29 June The Wall Street Journal. Archived from the original on June 13, Retrieved June counher, American City Business Journals, 9 Sept.

Lincoln Journal Star.