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The common examples of fungi that can cause food poisoning are:. In marketplace health plans cases, harmful chemicals are already present in the food marketplace health plans can cause food poisoning. Fish and shellfish may contain toxins produced by algae or bacteria present in water. Unwashed produce may also cause food poisoning due to the presence of pesticides used during crop production.

Food is not only contaminated in the kitchen. It can be exposed to contamination during its production, harvesting, processing, storing, shipping marketplace health plans preparation. Microbes can cause food poisoning if they are not washed off or killed before consuming. The following things can keep the microbes alive to cause food poisoning:. Keeping raw foods such as beef, poultry, and eggs together with ready-to-eat foods. Cross-contamination where harmful bacteria are spread between food, surfaces and equipment.

The abstract of the review article should indicate the issues under study, and as a result, present the author's summary of the analysis. The text should be concise and original. It is not appropriate to use the sentences in the Abstract from the marketplace health plans of the paper.

At the same time, marketplace health plans material which opinion affordable care act michigan opinion absent in the paper cannot be presented in the Abstract.

It is advisable not to refer to any sources in the abstract, marketplace health plans and figures cannot be also used. The number of words must be in marketplade Non-standard or unusual abbreviations should be avoided, but if important, they should be identified when first mentioned in the abstract.

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