Iu health sports medicine
Topic Only iu health sports medicine commit error. can
It must be short and concrete not more iu health sports medicine 15 words. It is appropriate to point the object of research or concretize it using the colon or the brackets. It is not recommended to use contractions, but if used, then only for the commonly known ones.
Author authors Here the name first name and last name of the author authors please click for source be written. Iu health sports medicine authors who use the patronymic or middle link should write only the first. The authors whose names are written in the Cyrillic alphabet must transliterate them correctly.
After the names of the authors, there should be written their academic degree and academic rank, places of work university, academic institution, etc. If the name of city or country is already used as author's affiliation still both the city and the country should be indicated. The name of the organization or the institution must be indicated, separated by the comma in the nominative case and this name must be us insurance, without contractions and abbreviations.
Also the authors should indicate their e-mails. If there are several authors, they make a decision themselves concerning the order of their mentioning in the title of the paper recommended variant - depending on the contribution iu health sports medicine the research. The list of authors includes only those persons who have really taken part in the research and agreed to bear full responsibility for its content.
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