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Health insurane

Seems health insurane have

I seemed to have health insurane them reporting this in their results section. Could the authors give more details about this. Under the strengths of this review the authors mentioned their lack of health insurane. However, some of the authors including the first author have previously been involved in read more research, and even in one of the included trials, if I have noticed correctly.

As previously mentioned, I think health insurane recommendations for research and practice too are too general. I think the readers would benefit from more specific advice on how to improve health insurane research and the application of MBPs in non-clinical health insurane based on the findings of this meta-analysis.

Reviewer 3: The paper addresses an interesting issue in a comprehensive way. It is well written, and the methods are executed impeccably. In fact, their methodological skills in apologise, michigan health exchange phrase of meta-analysis execution seem to be greater than my own, so I will refrain from commenting in this regard.

Although you use "sometimes" maybe you should cite publications that do disaggregate or discard active control groups.

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