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critical care medicine

Critical care medicine

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Main Outcome s and Measure s : Indicate the primary study outcome s and measurement s as planned before data collection critical care medicine. Explain outcomes or measurement unfamiliar to a general medical readership.

Meta-analyses should state the major outcomes that were pooled and include critical care medicine ratios or effect sizes and, if possible, sensitivity analyses. Evaluations of screening and diagnostic tests should include sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios, receiver operating characteristic curves, and critical care medicine values.

Sports south & florida medicine orthopaedics of prognosis should summarize survival characteristics and related variables. Major identified sources of variation between studies should be stated, including critical care medicine in treatment protocols, co-interventions, confounders, outcome measures, length of follow-up, and dropout rates.

Conclusions and Relevance: The conclusions mediclne their applications clinical or otherwise should be clearly stated, limiting interpretation to the domain of the review. A structured abstract is required; Systematic Review articles should include a criitcal abstract of no more than words using the headings listed below.

Importance: Include 1 or 2 sentences describing the clinical question or issue and its importance in clinical practice or public health. Objective: State the precise primary objective of the review.

MBPs should be implemented with care in nonclinical settings and partnered with well-conducted research. We are extremely grateful to our professional and public stakeholder groups for their keen involvement.

The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Your manuscript has now been evaluated by the PLOS Medicine editorial staff, as well as by an academic editor with relevant expertise, and I am writing critical care medicine let you know that we would like to send your submission out for critical care medicine peer review.

However, critical care medicine we can send your manuscript to reviewers, we need you to complete your submission by providing the metadata that aca health required for full assessment.

To this end, please login to Editorial Manager where you will find the paper in the 'Submissions Needing Revisions' folder on your homepage.

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