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Atrium health wake forest baptist high point family medicine photos

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Requests for co-corresponding fogest will be considered on a very limited basis if justified, but piont more than 2 co-corresponding authors will be permitted. In such cases, a primary corresponding author must be designated as the point of contact responsible for all communication about the manuscript and article, manage the tasks described above, and will be listed first in the corresponding author section. Authors should determine the order of authorship among themselves and should settle any atrium health wake forest baptist high point family medicine photos before submitting their manuscript.

Changes in authorship ie, order, addition, and deletion of authors should be discussed and approved by all authors. Any requests for such atrium health wake forest baptist high point family medicine photos in authorship after initial pjotos submission and before publication should be explained in writing to the editor in a letter or email from all authors.

The JAMA Network recognizes that authors may change their names for personal reasons, and the editors respect authors' rights to autonomy and privacy in this regard.

Authors who request confidential name changes after publication because of changes in identity, marital status, religion, or vaya insurance reasons may phitos their names changed in articles without indication flrest the reason for the change and without a formal correction notice.

If an author prefers this change to be public, a formal Correction notice can continue reading issued, with or without the reason per author preference. The journal will not request the approval of coauthors, but the requesting author may wish to notify coauthors if this change will affect subsequent citations to the article.

The requester may be asked to notify the corresponding author about this change to the published article; alternatively, the journal may inform the corresponding author wak this change without explaining the reason for the change.

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If dogs are severely affected by kennel cough and develop pneumonia, they could possibly die. Nebulization can be performed under veterinarian supervision using either a nebulizer from a human or canine pharmacy, or you can use a steamy bathroom. Run a hot shower and allow the bathroom to fill with Then have your dog stay in the bathroom not in the shower for hgih minutes a few times daily.

This helps to moisten the airways and decrease irritation.