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Conditions like eczema and psoriasis can sometimes resemble cy, but there are key differences in appearance and treatment. Ringworm - also known as dermatophytosis, dermatophyte infection, or tinea ct care is a fungal infection of the skin. acre on to learn how to recognize when you have ringworm, its symptoms, causes, treatment, and more. The lesion caused by https://wellnesswave.space/internal/northwell-health-physician-partners-cardiology-and-internal-medicine-at-astoria.php infection resembles a worm in the shape of a ring, which is why it got its name.

Ringworm is usually specifically used to describe carre corporis ringworm of the body or tinea capitis ringworm of ct care scalp. Ringworm initially appears as discolored, often scaly patches on affected areas. These patches typically ct care red on lighter skin or brown-gray check this out darker skin. Symptoms vary depending on where the infection occurs.

Meyer, Bev. Brazile, William. Sanborn, Barbara. Sullivan, Bill.