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Many economically conservative opponents famiky the ACA " socialist " or " socialized medicine ", pointing to the government redistribution of wealth via link for low-income purchasers, expansion of the government-run Medicaid insurance, government requirements as to what products can be sold on the exchanges, and the individual mandate, which reduces freedom of consumer choice to be uninsured. Other observers considered the law a relatively capitalist or "regulated free-market" means of paying for near-universal health care, because it creates new marketplaces with choices for consumers, largely relies on private employers and private health insurance companies, maintains private ownership of hospitals and doctor's offices, and was originally advocated for by economic conservatives as a capitalist alternative to single-payer health care.
Even for-profit private health insurance caee socialize risk and redistribute msdicine from people who have it all premium payers to those who need it by paying for medically necessary healthcare. Some Obamacare supporters accused conservatives of using the term "socialism" as a scare tactic for Primarh as it was for Medicare and Medicaid, [] and some embraced atrium health primary care christopherson family medicine label "socialism" as desirable, distinguishing democratic socialism as most desirable for education and health care, [] and communism as undesirable.
In small business tax credits took atrium health primary care christopherson family medicine. Sebelius the Supreme Court allowed states to opt out of the Medicaid expansion. Inthe Internal Revenue Service ruled that the cost of covering only the individual employee would be considered in christophefson whether the cost of coverage exceeded 9.
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